29 April 2009

Real Estate - 8 home buyer traps

Scuba Steve Arbuckle educated us on eight home buyer traps and how to avoid them. Reminding us Buyer beware. He gave us a pamplet on the buyer traps check out his website at stevearbuckle.net. Next Week don't miss out on Lyle F Braithwaite, CPA, CMA, CFM on Tax, Consulting, Accounting, Bookeeping ---debra

15 April 2009

Ready Electric

Bob Wright taught us how to be electritians how it works at the box out side our homes. bobs email is readybuilder@aim.com. All are welcome buisness or non buisness. Next Week don't miss out on
Rebecca Batty with Partylite ---debra

08 April 2009

PartyLite - new catalog

Rebecca Batty showed us the spring catalog for Partylite. New tropical scent for us to enjoy.
We all recived a catalog with those new choices. Visit her website http://www.partylite.biz/sites/chainoflove or email her utchainoflove@yahoo.com.All are welcome buisness or non buisness. Next Week don't miss out on Bob Wright, Electrictian with Ready Electric INC ---debra

01 April 2009

Geek Bling

Deb Rice was the 5 min spot this week. We got to view new watercolors, and look through geek bling. We also got to view the kick off of her new shirt buisness and her new blog wolfenterprise.blogspot.com so check it out. For attendance we had the option between a free geek bling or watercolor. All are welcome buisness or non buisness. Next Week don't miss out on Rebecca Batty as we experiance Partylite. ---debra